An enlarged prostate, what does it even mean? As men age, it is common to hear about this condition from a doctor or even a family member or friend. If you’ve recently been told you have an enlarged prostate or are simply looking for more information, you’re in the right place. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know about enlarged prostates. Keep reading to learn more.

What Is an Enlarged Prostate (BPH)?

An enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is a condition that affects many men as they age. It occurs when the prostate gland, a small gland located below the bladder, grows in size and begins to press against the urethra. This can cause symptoms like difficulty urinating, frequent urination, and a weak urine stream. While an enlarged prostate is not typically a serious health threat, it can be uncomfortable and disruptive to daily life.

Fortunately, there are treatment options available to manage symptoms and improve the quality of life for those with an enlarged prostate.

PS: BPH isn’t prostate cancer and doesn’t make you more likely to get it.

an enlarged prostate

Common Symptoms of an Enlarged Prostate

When the prostate gland becomes enlarged, it can press against the urethra and cause issues with urine flow. This can manifest in symptoms such as:

Prolonged pressure on the urethra can lead to weakened bladder muscles over time, resulting in:

Hence, symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia most often come from;

  1. A blocked urethra
  2. A bladder that is overworked from trying to pass urine through the blockage

A larger prostate doesn’t mean you’ll have more or worse symptoms. It’s different for each person. Some men with very large prostates have little to no problems at all.

The severity of an enlarged prostate and the resulting urinary symptoms may not be directly related to the size of the prostate. Some men with large prostates may have a minimal blockage and few symptoms, while others with smaller prostates may have a more severe blockage and symptoms. Less than half of all men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) experience lower urinary tract symptoms.

Men can have a blockage without realizing it until they are unable to urinate, a condition called acute urinary retention. This can be caused by certain over-the-counter cold or allergy medications that contain decongestants such as pseudoephedrine and oxymetazoline, as well as medications containing antihistamines like diphenhydramine, which can weaken bladder muscle contractions and lead to retention, difficulty urinating, and painful urination.

Partial urethra blockage can also be caused by factors such as alcohol consumption, cold temperatures, or prolonged periods of inactivity.

Causes of an Enlarged Prostate, and Who Is Likely to Develop It?

Early in puberty, your prostate doubles in size. Later in life, around age 25, it starts to grow again. For most men, this growth happens for the rest of their lives. For some, it then causes BPH. Here are some other factors you may need to learn about;

How to Diagnose or Test for an Enlarged Prostate

To diagnose an enlarged prostate, your doctor will ask about your medical history and have you fill out a survey about your symptoms and how they affect you.

They will also perform a physical exam, which may include a digital rectal exam to assess the size and shape of your prostate.

Your doctor may order one or more basic tests as part of the diagnostic process. These tests may include blood tests, urine tests, and a PSA blood test.

Basic Test

Your doctor may start with one or more of these;

  1. Blood tests to check the functioning of the kidneys
  2. Urine tests to identify infections or other issues causing symptoms
  3. PSA blood test to check for high levels indicating an enlarged prostate or to screen for prostate cancer.

Advanced Test

Based on the results of the initial tests, your doctor may order additional tests to confirm or rule out other issues or to get a clearer understanding of the situation. These tests may include:

  1. Ultrasounds to measure the prostate and check its appearance
  2. A bladder ultrasound is to see how much urine is left in the bladder after going to the bathroom
  3. A biopsy to check for cancer
  4. A test to measure the strength and amount of urine when you go to the bathroom
  5. A test to check how well the bladder is working
  6. A procedure using a camera to look inside the prostate, urethra, and bladder.

Treatment Options for an Enlarged Prostate

There are two (2) broad treatment options for an enlarged prostate. You can either go for a non-surgical method or a surgical method. Let’s explore the two methods below;

1. Non-surgical Treatment Option for Prostate (Drugs)

Sometimes lifestyle changes aren’t just enough to relieve or treat your symptoms, at such times drugs may be recommended.

There are several meds available to help treat both the symptoms and the condition of BPH. These meds include:

Alpha-1 Blockers

Alpha-1 blockers are medications that can help improve urine flow and relieve symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate. They work by relaxing the muscles around the prostate and bladder, allowing urine to flow more easily. These medications block the action of alpha-1 adrenergic receptors, which are found in the prostate and bladder. Below are a few;

  1. Tamsulosin (Flomax)
  2. Doxazosin (Cardura)
  3. Alfuzosin (Uroxatral)
  4. Terazosin (Hytrin)
  5. Silodosin (Rapaflo)
  6. Prostate Restore (Wellagainremedy)

Get Prostate Restore today!

Hormone reduction medications

Some medications can help with both the symptoms and causes of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). These medications include dutasteride and finasteride, which are commonly prescribed.

Dutasteride and finasteride work by decreasing the amount of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. DHT is a stronger form of testosterone that can affect the growth of hair and the prostate.

In some cases, lowering the hormone levels can shrink the prostate and improve urine flow. However, these medications can also potentially cause side effects such as impotence and a decreased sex drive in rare cases.

Anti-Bacteria Drugs

Antibiotics may be prescribed if you have chronic inflammation of the prostate due to bacterial prostatitis that is related to BPH.

Taking antibiotics to treat bacterial prostatitis may help to alleviate symptoms of BPH by reducing inflammation. However, antibiotics will not be effective in treating prostatitis or inflammation that is not caused by bacteria.

2. Surgical Treatment Option for Prostate

Different types of surgery can be used to treat BPH when medications are not effective. Some of these surgeries are not invasive or only slightly invasive and can often be performed in a doctor’s office or clinic as an outpatient procedure. Other surgeries are more invasive and require a hospital stay as an inpatient procedure. Let’s discuss both procedures in the next headings.

Non-Invasive or Outpatient Procedures: Non-invasive or outpatient procedures involve using instruments to treat the prostate gland without making a large incision. Some examples of these procedures include:

These procedures are typically performed in a doctor’s office or clinic and do not require an overnight hospital stay. Urolift and Rezūm are nearly as effective as more invasive surgical treatments, such as TURP, with the added benefits of being less invasive, less costly, and more likely to preserve sexual function.

Invasive or Inpatient Procedures: If you have any of the following symptoms, your doctor may recommend an inpatient procedure: kidney failure, bladder stones, recurrent urinary tract infections, incontinence, complete inability to empty the bladder, or recurrent episodes of blood in the urine.

Some inpatient procedures for BPH include:

Effects of an Untreated Enlarged Prostate

Several complications can be caused by an enlarged prostate, including:

  1. Difficulty urinating, including a weak urine stream, frequent urination, and the need to urinate frequently at night.
  2. Bladder stones can form when urine becomes stagnant in the bladder due to a blockage caused by an enlarged prostate.
  3. Bladder infections can occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the blocked urethra.
  4. Kidney damage can occur if the bladder is unable to empty due to the blockage caused by an enlarged prostate.
  5. Incontinence, or the inability to control urine leakage.
  6. Damage to the urethra can occur if the urethra becomes narrowed or damaged due to the pressure of an enlarged prostate.
  7. Blood in the urine can be a sign of prostate or bladder cancer.


In conclusion, an enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is a common condition that affects many men as they age. It occurs when the prostate gland grows in size and begins to press against the urethra, causing symptoms like difficulty urinating, frequent urination, and a weak urine stream. While it is not typically a serious health threat, it can be uncomfortable and disruptive to daily life.

There are various treatment options available to manage symptoms and improve the quality of life for those with an enlarged prostate, including medications, minimally invasive procedures, and inpatient surgical treatments. It is important to discuss your symptoms and treatment options with your healthcare provider to determine the best course of action for your individual needs.

If you are experiencing symptoms of an enlarged prostate, you may want to check out an effective non-surgical solution with Prostate Restore.

Prostate Restore helps to relieve pain, ease urination, stop frequent urination, reduce the prostate gland size, and also stop preventing the prostate gland from becoming extremely enlarged.